Plastic or Metal cookie cutters?


As a new cookier its so hard to decide what tools to spend your hard earned money on. But if you’re selling custom sugar cookies one thing you will most definetly need is cookie cutters right!?

So now come the great debate 3-D printed plastic ones or Metal ones? So lets break it down !

Metal Cutters

Pros- Are more affordable, usually dishwasher safe

Cons- Typcially less “trendy” styles, If not dried properly will rust, are more prone to bending.

Plastic Cutters

Pros- More trendy styles, No rust, Do not bend so they typically last longer.

Cons- More expensive and are typically not dishwasher safe.

So what do i use in my bakery? !

In my home bakery I personally love to use the 3-D printed plastic cookie cutters. If you are just starting out what I recommend is to get a solid set of plaque cookie cutters because you can use those a base for most cookie sets! Don’t be afraid of the simpler cutters sometimes the simplest designs are the best designs!

I’ve also learned the hard way to spend the extra $1 to get the standard size cookie cutters usually around 3.5 inches. Trust me I’ve wasted so much extra money on trying to save a $1 on cutters that I will never use! 🤦‍♀️ Please learn from my mistakes.

One of my all time favorite cutter shops is Kaleida Cuts they have great quality cutters and will have all those stylish designs that you’ve been looking for !

Sometimes if I am needing a specilaty cutter and I can’t find anything in my stash that I can modify for a set I will snag a cheap metal cookie cutter if I know I absolutley need it for the set and that I also will not be using if very often. My favorite shop for metal cutters is The Cookie Cutter Shop.

Pro tip- After washing your Metal Cookie Cutters pop them into your oven as its cooling to dry them quickly to avoid rust.

Happy Baking



My Favorite part of my home bakery side hustle…


Bakery Boxes 101