Bakery Boxes 101
Finding a good bakery box can be like finding a Four Leaf clover, you know they are out there but dang can they be hard to find. As a home bakery owner online suppiers can be your best friend especially if you live in a more remote area… or heck … even if you don’t feel like driving across town.
But like with all online shopping you never know what you’re going to get or whether or not its going to look like the picuture.
So as a cookie lady who has a closet full of boxes in sizes I never used, that cost me wayyyyyyyyy to much $$$ I knew I couldn’t be the only baker out there that could use this list of tried and true box supplier and list of my go to sizes !
Go to Cookie Box Sizes BRP BOX shop
Cookie 6 Packs clear top - 12X5X1.5 item code 4064q10
1 dozen decorated cookies clear top - 9x9x3 item code 2271
1 doezen decorated cookies- 10X10x 2.5 item code 3981
2 dozen decorated cookies - 14x10x2.5 item code 2423q10
1 dozen drop cookies- 9X5X4 item code 4004
My go to supplier for Cookie Boxes is BRP Box shop. If you know what size you want you get a pretty significant bulk discount. I’ve been using them for over two years now and am so happy I found them !
Happy Baking !
—Kaitlyn( the cookie lady )